Load Dynamic Content in Bootstrap Modal using Ajax

In this tutorial, we Load Dynamic Content in Bootstrap Modal using Ajax. Modal is a popup where we use to shows the content on the same web page. It is a very useful element for displaying HTML content and also display dynamic MySQL data in bootstrap modal.

We create step by step process where we start from creating HTML part also including Bootstrap CDN (Content Delivery Network) links. Steps to creating bootstrap modal which load content dynamically,

  • Import the MySQL data to the PHPMyAdmin DB.
  • Creating a database connection file.
  • Fetch data from the database.
  • Creating a Bootstrap modal and including Bootstrap CDN links.
  • Load dynamic Content on the Bootstrap modal using Ajax
  • Complete Source code
Load Dynamic Content in Bootstrap Modal using Ajax

Import the MySQL data to the PHPMyAdmin DB

Here is the MySQL code, copy whole code and paste on SQL tab in PHPMyAdmin,

fetch data from database in modal

Creating a Database Connection File

Here we create connection file for database. From there we load the dynamic data which shows on bootstrap modal.

Fetch Data From the Database

Here we fetch those data which we interested previously on SQL database. And those data populated on Bootstrap modal.

Creating a Bootstrap Modal with Including Bootstrap CDN Links

Bootstrap and jQury CDN Links

Bootstrap Modal

Creating this bootstrap modal for downplaying dynamic content from MySql database.

Load Dynamic Content on the Bootstrap Modal Using Ajax

We use the above button class for calling jQuery AJax function.

Ajax Code to Call External Query File

Complete Code



In this file, we create a query for calling data dynamically on modal with OnClick function.

Complete Source code

Here is complete source code to display bootstrap modal load content dynamically.

Download Complete Code from here,

Load Dynamic Content in Bootstrap Modal using Ajax

[sociallocker][wpdm_package id=’1546′] [/sociallocker]

Let me know if any issue. This is the complete code for download.

Also Check:

Happy Coding..!

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By Bikash

My name is Bikash Kr. Panda. I own and operate PHPCODER.TECH. I am a web Programmer by profession and working on more than 50 projects to date. Currently I am working on the web-based project and all the CMS and frameworks which are based on PHP.

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