When we start working with PHP String functions, we have to learn some useful string operation using PHP predefined functions.
Today we talk about some most used String functions which use to manipulate user defined strings. There are 5 most used PHP string manipulation functions listed below,
Complete Explanation of PHP String functions
Substr in PHP (PHP substr())
substr(string_name, start_position, string_length_to_cut)
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<?php // PHP program to explain substr() function PHPSubstring($str){ $len = strlen($str); echo substr($str, 4), "<br/>"; echo substr($str, 5, $len), "<br/>"; echo substr($str, -2, 8), "<br/>"; echo substr($str,-4, -5), "<br/>"; } // Driver Code $str="PHPcoderTECH"; PHPSubstring($str); ?> //Output: oderTECH derTECH CH |
PHP String Length (PHP strlen())
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<?php // PHP program to find the // length of a given string $str = "php coder tech"; // prints the length of the string // including the space echo strlen($str); ?> //O/U: 14 |
PHP String Replace (php str_replace, php regex replace)
In PHP, if we want replace any particular string, any integer or any type of data we use php str_replace() function. Example shown below.
PHP str_replace() Example:
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<?php $my_str = 'If the facts do not fit the theory, change the facts.'; // Display replaced string echo str_replace("facts", "truth", $my_str); ?> |
PHP String Cast
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<?php $string_var = "string value for php type"; $int_var = (int)$string_var; var_dump($int_var); ?> |
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PHP Escape String (escape_string PHP)
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Either escape the quote: $text1= "From time to \"time\""; or use single quotes to denote your string: $text1= 'From time to "time"'; |
Check the PHP official site to know more,
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Happy Coding..!
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